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4.2 ( 7232 ratings )
Referens Medicinsk
Utvecklare: Mitchell Clionsky
9.99 USD

The mdMOST® is an advanced professional version of the Memory Orientation Screening Test (MOST®), specifically configured to meet CMS requirements for “neuropsychological testing administered by a computer with qualified health care professional interpretation and report,” billable either through E/M codes or separately under CPT 96120. With the mdMOST®, a qualified professional (M.D., D.O., N.P., P.A., or licensed psychologist) can rapidly and accurately assess memory, orientation, and executive functions in a patient and compute a validated and reliable 0-29 point score. Each mdMOST score is derived from an extensive patient database to help the professional differentiate normal cognition from mild cognitive impairment or dementia. The app automatically scores the test, produces a report of findings and generates a score-specific list of best practice recommendations from which the clinician can select a treatment plan for that patient. The provider electronically signs the final report and can print it, send it to an EMR by email or save it in Dropbox or other pdf-based app on the iPad.

The mdMOST is administered in less than five minutes by the provider or an assistant, with contextual cues at every step. The provider’s review and decision making is intuitive and adds only minutes to complete the assessment. The resulting report is constructed in an easy-to-read pdf report and offers a comparison to a previous MOST score or an existing MMSE score to determine if an interval change has occurred.

About the developer

Mitchell Clionsky, Ph.D. ABPP-CN is a board certified clinical neuropsychologist with 35 years experience in assessment and treatment of cognitive and emotional problems. Co-developer Emily Clionsky, M.D., is an internist and board certified psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of cognitive loss. They are the principals in Clionsky Neuro Systems (CNS-Neuro), an emerging neuroscience company headquartered in Springfield, MA. Their corporate goal is to create, deliver and support technology-based diagnostics and treatment protocols using a model of integrated scientific research and clinical practice.